About Shannon Wells-Boykins:
Shannon Wells-Boykins was born in the state of Georgia to a loving, two parent household. She grew up within the suburbs of metro Atlanta, was raised Christian and later through life’s trials and errors began to stretch far beyond what religion could offer into a deep, meaningful relationship with the Lord.
From a very young age, Shannon’s wisdom and teaching anointing displayed itself. From the beginning, her ministry to God has continued to grow and thrive under the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit.
She is a dynamic leader whose global ministries have changed and continue to change thousands of lives over the years through humanitarian efforts, funding the kingdom agenda, and teaching God’s word all glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Outside of being a wife to her loving husband Herbert and advancing God’s kingdom, she enjoys a quiet, slow and peaceful life.
My mission is to prepare the church for the return of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is coming back soon and it will be for a bride without spot or wrinkle. Shannon Wells Ministries is committed to spreading the gospel, expanding God’s kingdom and speaking life into those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
SWM is a global ministry in vision and in reach. Utilizing the internet and literature as the primary vehicle of communication, it is through the strength of God and the support of the body of Christ that she is able to do the work of the Lord with great impact and excellence.
We value faith, thanksgiving, praise and worship, integrity, potential, and capacity. It is through these things that God shows up mightily in the lives of those who seek him. Philippians 4:6
We believe God is a God of signs, wonders and miracles. That he is mighty and miraculous forevermore
Our Core Beliefs are Centered Around
The Bible
It is the living, breathing, dynamic, eternal, timeless, inspired word of God. It is here to teach us principles by which we are to live to glorify God. (John 1:1)
The Trinity
We serve one God split into three personhoods, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the son of God was sent into the earth to save humanity from sin. He was crucified, buried, resurrected then ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father and then he will come again. (Luke 3:21-22)
We teach Jesus saves! There is no way to the Father but through Jesus. He is life eternal and we receive our salvation through him. It is through this free gift that our very soul is saved from eternal torment. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Baptism by water and of the Holy Spirit is a symbol of your new life in Christ Jesus as you rise from the water, you come up a new creation. As you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you also take part in the gifts of the Spirit. (Luke 3:21-22, Acts 2:38)
The Church
The church is the educational system put in place by God in the earth to spread and teach the word of God. The church is the community of believers which is the body of Christ in whom we are unified through faith.
The Kingdom
The kingdom of God is God’s sovereign rule over all of his creation. We believe that the kingdom of God is within us and is manifested on earth as we faithfully obey Christ and His teachings. Jesus Christ shall again return to the earth to complete the work of the kingdom that is being continued through the church.